Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New Blog!

I'd been wanting a way to log the books that Melody and I read together, and the books that she reads alone. Sometimes the books that I read alone, as I've been devouring a lot of YA fiction lately.

So... here is our first post!

We found The Magic Half at the library, in the new books section. For Melody - who loves magic and longs for a sibling to play with - this book held huge appeal. A story of a young girl sandwiched between two sets of twins, she is the odd one out in her family. Until she discovers a glass in her bedroom that travels her back to 1935.

The author is Annie Barrows who is also the author of the Ivy + Bean series, which we have not read. Perhaps we will do that - right now Melody is distressed that there isn't a sequel to the Magic Half as she felt it ended too soon and wanted to know what happened after... what happened at the end of the book.

This was supposed to be our read-aloud for the week, but it only lasted 2 days, as I was pestered to keep reading until the book was finished and we spent a large part of our Tuesday doing so.

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